Third Mission: Methodology

For this mission i got a late start due to some unforeseen circumstances.

I chose to do the topic Digital Journalism and i tended to focus on the area of news and how they report crashes and traffic.
I was in a group with two others and we decided it would be a good idea to build a story map and focus it on a certain area that is local to the college so we chose to do it on the M50 as it is very close to the college and the crash rates are really high there.
For this mission we had to create a video so we thought it would be a fun idea to create a mock up video where we acted as news presenters and presented on a local crash that had happened on the M50.
For the recording of the actual of the actual video we had to find a room that was empty and that was our first challenge, after a lot of searching we found an empty room and we started to practice and get some recordings in. We took a good few recordings but everything wasn’t going smoothly in regards to our lines and such, we were making a lot of mistakes so we needed much more practice.
The Equipment we used to record was our phones and for the final recording we used my iPad which was a lot better as we could set it up without having someone hold it.
Over the course of this mission we met up around 5 times and on our final time meeting up we got the best recording. We took a few takes and we got a good recording with barely any mistakes, we were happy with how it went so we chose to use those recordings and scrap the others as they were recorded in different locations.
For the editing process i had to do it all and i decided to do in on my iPad using a free trial on the app Premiere Rush, which is a watered down version of premiere pro.
The reason i had to do this is because with the college plan you do not have access to Premiere Pro on your home computer. So my only resort was to use a free trial on Premiere Rush.

The editing took a few hours the hardest part was designing the layouts and making the transitions and making everything look smooth and have a nice flow.
I also edited the audio of all the clips to make the quality of the voices better and i think it turned out nice and clear.

Overall i am happy with the outcome of this project, but if i had more time to work on it I think it would have been to a better quality.


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